This research paper explores the application of Vocabulary Learning Strategies (VLS) between low level of proficiency students from faculty of Business Management and high level of proficiency students from faculty of Computer Science. This research paper employs quantitative approach where data were collected using purposive sampling from a sample of 71 participants representing various proficiency levels of English language in a public university in Melaka, Malaysia. To gauge learners’ awareness and application of VLS, a survey adapted from Alahmadi’s (2019) version of Schmitt’s (1997, 2000) Taxonomy of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Questionnaire (VLSQ) was administered to participants. Findings revealed that there are significant differences of VLS utilization among English language learners of various proficiency levels where students with high proficiency levels display better strategy awareness and application contrasted to the lower proficiency level of English language learners. Thus, from these results, it is pertinent for educators to modify vocabulary instructions and strategies to boost vocabulary attainment among different proficiency levels in English language learning settings.
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