This study investigates the efficacy of Virtual Reality (VR) as an interactive tool for teaching complex cellular structures and functions. Despite VR’s growing popularity in education, its effectiveness remains debated, often due to the absence of guiding learning theories in VR design studies. Addressing this gap, we developed a VR-based learning experience grounded in the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML). Utilising modern microscopy techniques, we transformed confocal microscopy z-stacks into three-dimensional cellular structures, enhanced with artistic impressions for VR visualisation. A user study with 52 participants, primarily engineering students, compared the VR learning experience to traditional slideshow methods. Results indicated that the VR group demonstrated significantly higher learning performance and understanding of mammalian cell structures compared to the slideshow group. Additionally, participants in the VR group reported greater intrinsic motivation, presence, and perceived learning effectiveness. These findings suggest VR’s potential as a superior teaching tool in cell physiology and underscore the importance of integrating learning theories like CTML in VR educational design. The principles applied in this study could extend to other educational domains, enhancing learning outcomes through well-theorised VR applications.
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