Ten honey badgers (Mellivora capensis wilsoni) and 10 West-Asian blunt-nosed vipers (Macrovipera lebetina obtusa) were collected from the Almadeena district North Basrah governorate, southern Iraq, and examined for helminths. Cystacanths and 2 adult specimens of an acanthocephalan Oligacanthorhynchus sp. were found, and these represent new host records and a new record for Iraq. The specimens could be distinguished from all other species of Oligacanthorhynchus in having a proboscis armature of 36 hooks arranged in 12 rows of 3 hooks without large manubria, the largest hooks (circle 1) up to 120 µ m long. There was, however, insufficient material to adequately describe the putative new species. Honey badgers are opportunistic carnivores that include snakes in their diet, supporting the contention that the vipers are paratenic hosts and honey badgers are the definitive hosts for this oligacanthorhynchid.