Premixed hydrogen flames are prone to thermodiffusive instabilities due to strong differential diffusion effects. Reproducing these instabilities in large eddy simulations (LES), where their effects are only partially resolved, is challenging. Combustion models that account for differential diffusion effects have been developed for laminar flames, but to use them in LES, models for the turbulence/flame subfilter interactions are required. Modelling of the subfilter interactions is particularly challenging as instabilities synergistically interact with turbulence resulting in a strong enhancement of the turbulent flame speed. In this work, a combustion model for LES, which accounts for thermodiffusive instabilities and their interactions with turbulence, is presented. In the first part, an a priori analysis based on a direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a turbulent hydrogen/air jet flame is discussed. Progress variable, progress variable variance and mixture fraction are rigorously identified as suitable model input parameters, and an LES combustion model based on pre-tabulated unstretched premixed flamelets with varying equivalence ratio is formulated. Subfilter closure is achieved via a presumed probability density function and a significant reduction of modelling errors is achieved with the presented model. In the second part, LES of the DNS configuration are performed for an a posteriori analysis. The presented combustion model shows significant improvements in predicting the flame length and local phenomena, such as super-adiabatic temperature, compared with combustion models that either neglect differential diffusion effects or consider these effects but neglect the subfilter closure. Two variants of the model formulation with a water- or hydrogen-based progress variable have been tested, yielding overall similar predictions.
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