Abstract Background NICE (2023) Shared Decisions Making (SDM) Guidelines ensure Health Care professionals work together with a person to reach a decision about care based on their individual preferences, beliefs, and values. Local Problem. We conducted an Audit across our community services to assess NICE SDM, achieving 71% compliance. Results informed the project problem statement “Clinical Teams are not fully compliant to NICE SDM guidelines therefore a shared decision-making approach is not guaranteed”. Methods A fishbone diagram was applied to understand why SDM wasn’t routinely occurring in clinical practice. Our aim is to achieve organisation wide adherence to SDM. We propose a multi modal approach to increasing awareness of SDM across the organisation. We used a driver diagram working backwards from the goal, identifying the drivers and determining the project activities. Interventions Due to the enormity of rolling out a pan-organisational programme we decided to use the Frailty NHS@Home virtual ward to test and learn before greater adoption. We firstly processed mapped how the “What Matters to you?” question is embedded into our Comprehensive Geriatric Assessments. A decision support grid for treatment option decision making was created for dehydration or high risk of dehydration within the NHS@Home service, adapted from Marrin et al (2014). Three options are described underpinned by five questions. Feedback from Patient and public involvement ensured the language was appropriate. After the first PDSA cycle, the tool was reviewed by the project team and two further questions were added, “Did you understand the options which were explained to you?” and “What matters most to you as we decide together how best to treat your dehydration?” Conclusion A re audit and colleague survey will reveal increased knowledge and understanding of the SDM concept. We continually seek Feedback from individuals who use our services for their experience of SDM processes.
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