: Social media has been influencing e-commerce in multiple ways by being a platform of marketing for ecommerce businesses over the years. This project boosts the idea of social commerce by providing a platform for small businesses to grow and reach the world. At the same time it provides a platform for the internet community to explore various products. A web application where users can register themselves in two ways, as a seller or as a customer. Sellers can post their products and will get insights on how their business is growing in the e-market. A detailed analysis will be provided based on the orders, no. of visitors, likes, etc. On the other hand, the customers can view the products as well as the posts just like on any other social media platform. These users can follow other users and see the posts of other users as well as they can search for a particular product in two ways, text and visual. Results will contain the products and the posts. Also, recommendations will be shown to the user. Users can follow, like and buy products from sellers. Features such as personalized recommendation, product classification, post engagement help the small businesses to create a brand. Being a fusion of social media and e-commerce, this web app provides a single platform for small businesses and social influencers.