The adverse effects of climate change are a major threat to human life and the environment. Indonesia's participation in the 2015 Paris Agreement encourages changes in people's lifestyles to become environmentally friendly. Indonesia commits to reducing emissions before 2030 . The purpose of this study is to describe energy regulation within the scope of the provisions of national law and international law and to examine Indonesia's efforts to accelerate the use of clean energy based on the 2015 Paris Agreement. The approach used is normative. The data collection technique is through conventional literature searches and online and analyzed with qualitative data analysis because the data will be presented in a narrative-descriptive manner, not in numerical or numerical form. The results of the research show that the regulation of energy within the scope of national legal provisions is generally regulated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 30 of 2007 concerning Energy. This law contains general problems of energy resources in Indonesia from philosophical, juridical, and sociological aspects. This law has the function of a legal umbrella for other laws and regulations that will regulate energy-related matters. Indonesia's efforts to accelerate the use of clean energy based on the 2015 Paris Agreement, namely by ratifying the 2015 Paris Agreement into Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2016. To accelerate the use of new and renewable energy as clean energy, the Indonesian government issued a Draft Presidential Regulation that regulates the purchase of new and renewable energy. clean energy electricity and several other efforts.
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