An abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a localized dilatation of the abdominalaorta downstream from the renal arteries including sometimes the lilac bifurcation.Rupture is the main complication of AAAs, in 80% of cases, it leads todeath. The knowledge of the local haemodynamic, including velocity, vorticity,shear and pressure distributions, may be used to improve medical diagnosison AAA rupture.Numerical and experimental studies are therefore carried out in a three dimensionalasymmetric model of AAA with or without lilac bifurcation, to analyse thebehaviour of physiological flows in AAA. Velocity measurements are performedusing particle image velocimetry (PIV). In addition, a finite volume method [1]is used to perform three-dimensional unsteady numerical simulations. DifferentWomersley parameter values and Reynolds number values are used to assessthe parameters affecting the flow behaviour. These parameters model a normalphysiological flow rate, a moderate exercise flow rate and an intensive exerciseflow rate.For the first time, rigid walls versus compliant ones and lilac bifurcation modeldownstream from AAA versus straight artery model have been experimentallyinvestigated to analyse both the compliance and the bifurcation influences onAAA flow behaviour. Compliant wall mechanical behaviour is characterizedusing a classical traction bench [2].The secondary flow patterns and more particularly the vortices trajectoriesand their impact on the distal AAA wall are found to be highly dependent onthe flow waveforms, the wall behaviour and on the lilac bifurcation presence.These results can help to improve medical diagnosis on AAA rupture. In afuture work, we would like to numerically model the thrombus formation tobetter represent the pathological condition.
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