<p>我國的都市更新政策最早源自民國1973年制訂之都市計畫法「舊市區更新」,後參考美、日等先進國家經驗,於1998年制訂「都市更新條例」,作為我國實施都市更新的依據。希望藉由民間的力量與效率,促進都市土地有計畫之再開發利用,復甦都市機能,改善居住環境與景觀,增進公共利益;同時,藉由都市更新容積獎勵與稅捐減免,期能降低相關權利人重建負擔,提高參與意願。都市更新事業計畫及權利變換計畫為都市更新實際執行之依據,計畫向主管機關申請報核後,實施者團隊歷經主管機關審查、補正、公辧公聽會、幹事會、聽證會等等程序,最後也最為關鍵的程序就是通過都市更新審議。都市更新事業計畫及權利變換計畫之內容,涉及都市計畫、建築、景觀、交通、財務、估價、地政等等相關專業。無論都市更新容積獎勵、人行步道與開放空間留設、公共設施的闢設與捐贈、公益設施的捐贈等等公益(共)議題,以及建築規劃設計、價值評定、選取房屋單元(含停車位)及權利分配等等私權議題,均屬都市更新審議事項。審議委員、主管機關代表、以及實施者團隊,經由簡報、詢答的審議程序,權衡公私權益,以及計畫的可行性,獲致最終的審議結果,是一項必需兼顧效率與效果的高難度任務。本研究針對都市更新相關從業者進行問卷調查,對於臺北市都市更新審議之事前會議通知時間等10項審議品質事項,以及容積獎勵額度等14項審議事項,進行重要性與滿意度調查;並利用重要性-表現分析法(Importance-Performance Analysis ; IPA),針對回收問卷進行統計分析,篩選出重要性高、滿意度低的因子作為都市更新審議之改善關鍵因素,包含:排會審議案量適當、清楚明快的決議、登記發言異議事項(爭點)、出席審議之委員(組成)、營建費用及特殊因素加計費用、更新前後價值評定、實施者對於人陳異議之處理等7項事項,提供主管機關、實施者、都市更新相關從業者參考,俾精進都市更新審議作業。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>Our country’s urban renewal policy originated from the &quot;&quot;Old Urban Renewal&quot;&quot; Urban Planning Law enacted in 1973 in Taiwan. Later, with reference to the experience of advanced countries such as the United States and Japan, the &quot;&quot;Urban Renewal Act&quot;&quot; was formulated in 1998 as our country’s implementation of urban renewal. This Act is enacted to promote a well-planned urban land redevelopment, revitalize urban functions, and improve urban living environments and landscapes for the public interest through private sector efforts and efficiency. Additionally, urban renewal aimed to reduce the burden of related rights holders through floor area incentives and tax reduced/exempted, thereby increasing their willingness to participate. The urban renewal project plan and the rights transformation plan are the basis for the actual implementation of urban renewal. After the plan is submitted to the competent authority for approval, the implementer team will undergo review, correction, public hearings, director meetings, hearings, etc. and other procedures, the last and most critical procedure is to pass the urban renewal review. The contents of urban renewal project plans and rights transformation plans involve urban planning, architecture, landscape, transportation, finance, valuation, land administration and other related majors. Regardless of public welfare issues such as urban renewal floor area incentives, pedestrian walkways and open space reservations, construction and donation of public facilities, donation of public welfare facilities, etc., as well as architectural planning and design, value assessment, and selection of housing units (including parking spaces) and rights distribution and other private rights issues are all matters for urban renewal review. The review committee members, representatives of the competent authorities, and the implementer team weigh public and private interests and the feasibility of the plan through briefings, question-and-answer review procedures, and arrive at the final review result. This is a difficult task that requires both efficiency and effectiveness. This study conducted a questionnaire survey on practitioners related to urban renewal, and conducted an importance and satisfaction survey on 10 review quality matters such as the notification time of pre-meetings for urban renewal review in Taipei City, and 14 review matters such as floor area incentives; and used Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), conducts statistical analysis on the returned questionnaires, and selects factors with high importance and low satisfaction as key factors for improving urban renewal review, including: appropriate number of cases for deliberation, 7 items including clear and concise resolutions, registration of objections (issues), committee members attending the review (composition), construction costs and special factors plus costs, value assessment before and after the urban renewal, and the implementer’s handling of objections are provided. It is a reference for competent authorities, implementers, and urban renewal-related practitioners to improve urban renewal review works.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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