The microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker is the most preferred marker because of its many desirable properties. It is important to increase the genic and genomic resources particularly in legumes because the SSR markers currently available in chickpea, pigeonpea, horsegram, blackgram, and cowpea are very limited. In the present study, 201 pairs of SSR markers comprising of 172 genic and 29 genomic SSRs were screened against 11 chickpea genotypes, among which 153 produced monomorphic and 48 produced polymorphic bands. The polymorphic information content ranged from 0.152 to 0.373 for both genic and genomic SSRs. Among the polymorphic markers, two-three alleles were detected for genic and two-four alleles for genomic SSRs. A unique banding pattern could be found for all the genotypes within 48 polymorphic SSR markers and cultivar specific markers could be identified for seed purity test. We have also studied the ability of chickpea genic and genomic SSRs to amplify distantly related but important legumes viz., horsegram, blackgram, cowpea, pigeonpea, and soybean. Out of 201 chickpea SSR primer pairs, 66.7% in blackgram, 62.2% in horsegram, 61.7% in redgram, 54.7% in cowpea, and 62.7% in soybean produced amplification. The transferability of about 60.0% of the chickpea SSRs to distantly related legumes could be considered successful. In the present study, 134, 133, 126, 124, and 110 new SSR primers for blackgram, horsegram, soybean, redgram, and cowpea pulse crops, respectively, were identified. It is an important addition to the already available genomic resources in these crops. In addition, among genic primer pairs, 12 in horsegram, three in soybean, 13 in redgram, and eight in cowpea, and among genomic primer pairs, two in horsegram and four in redgram were polymorphic even in the two-three genotypes tested indicating their potentially for application in genetic studies and mapping.
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