In the 54Fe(p, p'γ) 54Fe reaction at 10 MeV, angular correlations of gamma rays coincident with protons detected near 180°, have been measured. From an analysis of the angular correlations, unambiguous spin assignments have been made for the 3.345(3), 4.074(3), 4.579(2), 4.781(3), and 4.949(4) MeV states. Model-dependent spin assignments have been made for several other states. The angular correlation analysis also yielded multipole mixing ratios for many transitions and branching ratios for the decay of all states of 54Fe below 5 MeV. From the same data, an analysis of the Doppler shifts of the coincident gamma rays allowed determination of the lifetimes of the 1.409, 2.959, 3.164, 3.836, 4.048, 4.074, 4.265, 4.287, 4.781 and 4.949 MeV states. Utilizing all the measured quantities, estimates have been of the strengths of 20 E2, 9 M1, and 4 E1 transitions. To aid in understanding the nature of the observed levels, the po- sitions of various np- mh states have been estimated using a monopole residual interaction. It is found that 2p-4h states as well as lp-3h states may occur at low excitation energies. The 2.540 MeV (O 2 +) state is probably of the configuration 2p-4h. The decay properties of all states below 3.5 MeV are compared to the predictions of theoretical calculations in which lp-3h proton ( 2 p 3 2 and 1 f 5 2 ) excitations were considered.
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