
Angular distributions of vector analyzing power and cross section for the reactions 40Ar(d, p)41Ar and40Ar(d, t)39Ar have been measured at an incident deuteron energy of 14.83 MeV. The bound-state data in the (d, p) reaction and the (d, t) data are compared to DWBA calculations. The data for the neutron-unbound states are analyzed in the framework of the DWBA using (i) a form factor for weakly bound neutron and (ii) a resonance form factor, following the approach of Vincent and Fortune. The j-dependence of the (d, p) vector analyzing power permits definitive spin-parity assignments to be made for 19 neutron-bound and 4 neutron-unbound states in 41Ar with excitation energy up to 6.57 MeV. Tentative Jπ assignments have been made for 3 states. The l-value for the 5.62 MeV state has been determined. Data for the observed unbound states are found to be equally well reproduced by the type (i) calculations as by the type (ii) calculations. The (d, t) vector analyzing power data show definite j-dependence although not as strongly as in the (d, p) reaction. For relatively weakly excited states a pre-knowledge of the l-value of the transition is desirable for an unambiguous spin assignment. In general, the j-dependence in the (d, t) vector analyzing power can be utilized for definitive Jπ assignments. On this basis, Jπ values have been assigned for seven states in 39Ar with excitation energies up to 4.47 MeV excitation. Possible spin values for three other states are suggested. Spectroscopic factors for the states in 41Ar and 39Ar have been extracted and are in fair agreement with those obtained by other workers.

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