Introduction I grew with a saying whose origin I do not know: If you hold on to something too tightly, it dies. Current education stills holds tightly to what are, or will soon be, outdated priorities. Such a system will flounder, delivering ineffective products, until it either collapses or reinvents itself. Society must loosen its grip on traditional education so we can avoid driving the last breath out of a system that would be easier to revise than resurrect. Gifted education can and should be a natural outgrowth of general education when that general education is centered on flexible curricula and is characterized by diverse opportunities designed to develop students' potentials. When teachers act as partners in learning and when teachers have the foresight to infuse the facts and details required by a specific curriculum (district, state, national) into the type of learning environment I present below, general education--and gifted education in particular--will flourish. Of special importance, giftedness can be maximally attended to and nurtured among all cultures and socioeconomic levels. As energy is added to a physical system, molecules move from solid, to liquid, to gas phases. It is time for high school education to transition from its current, rather rigid state (what I will call the solid state) to a liquid state. Increased flexibility, individual opportunity, and freedom characterize a liquid state. A liquid education approach offers a dynamic environment that enables gifts and talents to effervesce in unexpected ways at individually appropriate times (Renzulli, 1986). When particularly high levels of energy are infused, some molecules in the liquid phase enter the gas phase. This metaphoric gaseous state--representing gifted education-is exemplified by maxi mal energy, freedom, and flexibility; it bubbles up out of an energy-rich liquid state. The Social Context Social movements have an effect on scientific research (Subornik, 1988). As early as the 1970s, scientists noted insufficient study of the complexities of scientific and societal interactions (Mitroff, 1974, as cited in Subotnik, 1988). Four years ago, more than 90% of societal issues were rooted in science and technology (Yager, 1996), and this estimate is only likely to increase. Technology has been, and will remain, a catalyst for unprecedented, rapid development. Technology has made neighbors of distant lands, provided access to cultural caches, and enabled direct interaction with peoples diverse in countless ways. With access, however, comes increased responsibility; In other words, the world is getting smaller as personal access and responsibility grow. This inverse relationship has myriad impacts on society (see Figure 1). Interdisciplinary learning is imperative to the development of the thinking and work skills needed for success in a world confronted with such complex and intricately connected chan ges. Because of our projected dependence on scientific literacy (Dye, 2000), developing a populace that can be scientifically literate in all aspects of life is one of the most critical challenges facing education. With so many future political, social, industrial/business, and ethical issues rooted in science, it is imperative that tomorrow's leaders are familiar with current scientific issues and problem-solving approaches that will help them make optimal decisions. Every student needs to understand and be able to incorporate scientific processes (research, data collecting, evaluating) in every learning experience. Developing scientific learners is difficult in a solid-state education system; exclusive pursuit of learning in the narrow confines of the disciplines is limiting. In a liquid system, however, students are free to incorporate environmental science, bioethics, or physics into learning projects rooted in history, mathematics, business, or literature. Changes in General High School Education: Solid to Liquid Education should optimally address the needs and values of the culture in which it exists (Gardner, 1999). …
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