Considerable progress has been made in improving the turfgrass characteristics of buffalograss, Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt) Engelm, a native North American grass species with low maintenance requirements (Riordan et al., 1993). Two mealybugs, Tridiscus sporoboli (Cockerell) and Trionymus sp. (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) have emerged as buffalograss pests Baxendale et al., 1994). Mealybugs have been associated with buffalograss stands throughout Nebraska (Baxendale et al., 1994), as well as in Texas and Arizona. Unfortunately, the Pseudococcidae are poorly described and species identification requires extensive specimen preparation (Ferris, 1950, 1953). Buffalograss mealybugs have an oblong, pale purple-grey, membranous body, ranging in length from 0.2 to 3.0 mm. They are covered with cottony wax secretions (Baxendale et aL, 1994). The adult female is relatively immobile and is found inside or near the leaf sheath, or behind the leaf axils enclosing the female flower. Clusters of eggs are deposited within a filamentous waxy ovisac. First instars, or crawlers, migrate to new feeding sites and likely play a role in host selection (McKenzie, 1967). Mealybugs are often overlooked in the field because of their small size and hidden location on the plant (Baxendale et aL, 1994). Severe mealybug infestations result in a general decline of the buffalograss stand, which can be confused with drought or other stresses. Initially, the turf takes on a reddish-purple discoloration, followed by browning and thinning. A close examination will reveal the mealybug's white cottony secretions. Possible strategies for managing mealybugs on buffalograss include pesticides, biological control, and use of resistant buffalograsses. Developing mealybug-resistant buffalograsses is of particular importance because this grass is used primarily as a low-input turfgrass species. Fortunately, several resistant buffalograsses have been identified (Johnson-Cicalese et al., 1998). Understanding the mechanism of this resistance would be helpful for formulating optimal strategies for identifying and exploiting new sources of resistance. While considerable progress has been made in identifying germplasm resistant to insect pests, progress toward characterization of the mechanisms conferring the resistance has been limited. Resistance mechanisms identified in other turfgrass species include: increased tolerance due to greater rhizome numbers, higher stored food reserves, improved turf density and plant vigor; antibiosis factors which reduce survival or oviposition of the insect, for example, endophyte-infection (Acremonium spp.) of the host plant; and antixenosis factors such as leaf size and width, and time of flowering that affect oviposition (Reinert, 1982; Quisenberry, 1990; Johnson-Cicalese et al., 1989). In buffalograss, glabrous leaf surfaces are suspected of playing an important role in mealybug resistance (Johnson-Cicalese et al. , 1998). Two glabrous buffalograsses, '609' and 'Prairie', have been shown to be highly resistant to mealybugs, and significant positive correlations were found between leaf pubescence and mealybug infestation levels in several greenhouse screening trials (Johnson-Cicalese et al., 1998). Pubescence is widely recognized as a factor in plant resistance to insects. Noms and Kogan (1980) provided 55 examples of how pubescence affects the behavioral and physiological response of arthropods to plants. In a third of the cases cited, pubescence increased the susceptibility of the host plant by making it more suitable for oviposition, affecting feeding behavior, or providing protection from predators. Pubescence enhanced oviposition by several lepidopterous insects on a number of plant species (Lambert et al., 1992; Navasero and Ramaswamy, 1991). Pubescent wheats (Triticwn spp.) were more heavily infested by airborne wheat curl mites (Eriophyes tulipae Keifer) (Harvey and Martin, 1980). Among several
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