1 32BOOK REVIEWS canons ofscholarship will find Korean Shamanistic Rituals a difficult book. Unclear prose and a discursive style unfortunately obscure the author's arguments. Methods ofdata collection are not described; nor are sources provided for most of the descriptive facts and many of the interpretations. Thus, one is often left wondering whether a given statement originated in the author's own observations, the testimony of shamans, or the work of other researchers. Many of the Chinese characters provided for Korean terms actually represent Sino-Korean expressions ofsimilar meaning (for example, the characters for saesin kum are given forkut tori). Other Chinese characters, such as those given for köri, the twelve steps of a shamanistic rite, appear to be spurious, and a few characters are simply incorrect. A "basic structure" of the chaesu kut is set forth in chapter 10 for the sake of a neat structural analysis, but it differs from any ofthe structures enumerated in chapter 2, where we are also told that the chaesu kut has no standard structure. And finally, neither footnotes no romanizations follow any consistent style. Despite its shortcomings, Korean Shamanistic Rituals is not without value. Its wealth of descriptive material will be welcome to those who lack easy access to Korean language scholarship on this topic. Its analyses and interpretations, though somewhat erratic and speculative, provide interesting suggestions for anyone interested in Korean religion. Roger L. Janelli Indiana University Biblografiia Korei, 1917-1970 [A bibliography of Korea, 1917-1970]. By L. M. Volodina; edited by A. M. Grishina and G. D. Tiagai. Moscow: Nauka (Glavnaia Redaktsiia Vorsrochnoi Literatury), 1981. 166 pp. Index. Unlike Japan and China, Korea has been neglected by Soviet bibliographers since the 1917 revolution, and Soviet literature on Korea has been itemized mostly in the West. Works available heretofore include A. Parry and J. T. and E. G. Dorosh's Korea: An Annotated Bibliography of Publications (3 vols.; Washington, D.C: Library of Congress, 1950), vol. 2, Russian Language; R. L. Backus' Russian Supplement to the Korean Studies Guide (Berkeley: Institute of International Studies, East Asia Studies, 1958); G. Ginsburg's Soviet Works on Korea, 1945-1970, University of Southern California Far Eastern and Russian Research Series, no. 4, (Los Angeles: University of Southern California Press, 1973, cl974); and N. R. Adami's Die Russische Koreaforschung, bibliographie 1682-1976 (2 parts in 1 vol.; Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, 1978). Korean studies, the newest branch of Soviet orientology, has finally come of age with the compilation of Bibliografía Korei, 1917-1970 [A bibliography of Korea, 1917-1970] by L. M. Volodina. The bibliography was edited by A. M. BOOK REVIEWS1 33 Grishina, who is well known for two major bibliographies on Southeast Asia, and G. D. Tiagai, a scholar on Korea. It was published by the Institute of Oriental Studies in Moscow in an edition of 1,350 copies. Although Western works documenting Soviet publications about Korea have long served to fill a real need, they are not as complete as Volodina's compilation. Its twelve major sections list 2,369 items and cover the founders of Marxism-Leninism writing about Korea; bibliography and basic manuscript collections ; the history of the study of Korea in Russia and the Soviet Union; historiography, and foreign Korean studies; general works about Korea; geography , geology, and the study of the country; ethnography; history; the economy of modern Korea; culture; philosophy and religion; linguistics and the written language; and public health and sports. There is an alphabetical index of authors, compilers, editors, translators, commentors, reviewers and works (entered by title only). The work includes published documents, monographs, abstracts of dissertations, reviews, journal articles, and articles in collected essays, as well as translations ofliterary works from Korean into Russian and vice versa. Some of the items are annotated. Excluded from the work are encyclopedia articles, popular magazine articles, international publications, newspaper articles, textbooks, and materials for high-school teaching. While the Bibliografía Korei was being compiled, G. M. Ageeva produced her Koreiskaia khudozhestvennaia literatura. Ukazatel'perevodov i kriticheskoi literatury , opublikovannykh na russkom iazyke ? 1945-1978 gg. [Korean fiction: An index of translations and criticism published in Russian, 1945-1978]. The first volume, published by the...
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