This article is dedicated to the relevant topic of training interpreters specializing in Chinese. Theoretical and practical research on finding effective methods for training interpreters primarily focuses on three aspects: developing conceptual principles of education in the context of linguistic education that allow achieving a high level of student engagement in the process of acquiring knowledge and skills; systematizing the evaluation of the effectiveness level of the organizational-technical and substantive structure of education; as well as the conditions for implementing educational programs that meet the target components of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. Understanding the importance of creating conditions to ensure active participation and maintaining motivation of learners makes game modeling of professional activity in the training process of oral interpreters an important and promising research topic. Most works in the field of translation didactics have a fragmented nature, limited to considering issues of partial use of gaming practices in the process of learning a foreign language and translation, primarily related to the development of specific types of games (role-playing, business, simulation) within a specific module or topic of the discipline program. In such a situation, the positive effects of applying game modeling may be temporary and local, and the assessment of its effectiveness demonstrates low potential in solving tasks related to developing the professional competence of oral interpreters. Therefore, the article justifies the need to study the potential of game modeling integrated into the educational program of the course. The author emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive methodological approach in developing a gaming model, based on systemic, synergistic, context-competence, and communicative-cognitive approaches. The systemic approach in the didactics of translation activity is defined by a philosophical foundation that allows for the justification of the goal, principles, content, technology, and form of teaching. The synergistic approach, based on the systemic one, enables the establishment of interdisciplinary connections and the disclosure of the entire integrated system of preparing an oral translator, theoretically justifying the inclusion of game modeling in the teaching framework. By revealing the nonlinear nature of the educational process, synergetics is capable of providing valuable recommendations for managing the training process of oral translators; identifying common requirements, conditions, and patterns of the learning process. The context-competence approach advocates for the use of interactive teaching methods in the educational process and aims at practical professional experience for future translators. The communicative-cognitive approach is important in understanding translation as speech-thought activity, involving active engagement of learners in the speech-thought process. Drawing on these approaches ensures the creation of a synergistic effect for personal development, enabling professional activities, and modeling professional context in educational activities. Building on these approaches, the author explores the concept of a cross-cutting educational game in the study, describing its principles and stages of implementation within the discipline of basic professional educational programs for oral translators specializing in Chinese. The article also clarifies the content of professional competence for oral translators, presented as a complex system that includes both general translation competencies necessary for translation activities and specific competencies that are prominent in oral translation, such as technological, etiquettal, thematic, emotive, strategic, and reflexive competencies. Through an analysis of existing theoretical and scientific literature, the author concludes that gaming modeling in an educational context is the integration of game elements and gaming technologies into the learning process, allowing for self-assessment and group assessment, fostering critical thinking, and unleashing creative abilities. A topic for further research could be the development of a model for teaching oral translation using gaming modeling of professional translation activities.
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