3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FOOD SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (ICFSE) 2020 International Conference on Food Science and Engineering (ICFSE) is a bi-annual conference series organized by the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), Surakarta, Indonesia since 2016. Following the success of previous ICFSE and great enthusiasms from the audience, the 3rd ICFSE is held on 29-30 September 2020 at UNS Surakarta. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic had spread worldwide during the year, causing a restriction to held a regular conference system. On the contrary, the 3rd ICFSE should not be postponed since participants have arranged to disclose their research finding in this conference as well as the uncertainty of when this pandemic will end. Therefore, in order to comply with WHO as well as the Indonesian Government regulation to cut the spread of Covid-19 by means of physical distancing, the committees of 3rd ICFSE 2020 have switched the conference format from a regular meeting into virtual meeting.This conference offers the theme “Strengthening Collaborative Frameworks for Innovations in Food Science and Engineering: Contributions to Sustainable Development Goals”. The transformational vision of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls on all countries and stakeholders to work together to end hunger and prevent all forms of malnutrition by 2030. This goal can be achieved by ensuring the sustainability of agriculture and food systems, so that food supplies are stable and all people have access to adequate nutrition and health. Moreover, it must be realized that the sustainably supply of energy, clean freshwater, and foods for human kinds are among the major challenges that must be addressed for the future. An effective strategy must be conceptualized and implemented to feed the world through innovative research in the field of food science and engineering. This effort must be reinforced by the understanding and cooperation among the related parties all over the world in facing and solving the problems that might appears. Hence, the 3rd ICFSE 2020 is designed to facilitate the needs of academicians, researchers, practitioners, policy makers, governmental and private agencies in disclosing and sharing their knowledge and experiences in topic of current and future issues related to food science and engineering.The 3rd ICFSE 2020 featured a keynote speaker, Prof. Dr. Umar Santoso as the chairman of Indonesian Association of Food Technologist (IAFT) who delivered his speech for 40 minutes. Six prominent scientist and researchers in the field of food science and engineering worldwide were invited in this conference to share their expertise and experience in two plenary sessions. In each session, three invited speakers presented each 30 minutes talk followed by 45 minutes question and answer (Q&A) sessions for all speakers. The invited speakers including Prof. Dr. Ahmad Yunus (Department of Agrotechnology, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia), Prof. Dr. Mieke Uyttendaele (Department of Food Technology, Safety and Health, Ghent University, Belgium), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jirawat Yongsawatdigul (School of Food Technology, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand), Dr. Sangeeta Prakash (School of Agriculture and Food Science, University of Queensland, Australia), Prof. Dr. Hitoshi Shirakawa (Department of Science of Food Function and Health, Tohoku University, Japan), and Prof. Dr. Takahisa Nishizu (Department of Applied Life Sciences, Gifu University, Japan).As many of 123 papers from participants of six different countries had been accepted to be presented in the 3rd ICFSE 2020. They are clustered into 20 parallel sessions covering the following topics: food microbiology and biotechnology (3 sessions), food production system and technology (4 sessions), physical food analysis and chemistry (10 sessions) and miscellaneous topic (3 sessions). Time allocation of 10 minutes presentation and 5 minutes Q&A session was given to each presenter in a parallel session consisted of 5-7 presenter, 1 moderator and 1 time keeper. Both presentation and Q&A session were conducted live during virtual conference. The 3rd ICFSE 2020 virtual conference was technically run very smoothly via zoom online system by Universitas Sebelas Maret with no major issue arise during this conference. Similarly, there are no major issue regarding the virtual system on participant’s side that come from different part of Indonesia and oversea. Most of participants were very engaged throughout plenary and parallel sessions evidenced by many questions raised during Q&A sessions. Their comments on the implementation of this conference were very positive and satisfying.Lastly, we like to express our sincere gratitude to all of the 3rd ICFSE speakers, participants, sponsors, organizing committees and all of related parties who made this conference feasible. Their kind contributions are very much appreciated. Through this conference, we’ve shared our expertise and contributed our best effort to fight hunger and provide adequate nutritious food for all human kind.Best regards,Muhammad Zukhrufuz Zaman, Ph.D.Chairman of the 3rd ICFSE 2020Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), IndonesiaLIST OF COMMITTEES, CONFERENCE PHOTOGRAPHS, and the titles available in this pdf
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