Sir, The article by Seixas-Mikelus et al. [1], regarding content validation of a novel robotic surgical simulator is a timely publication, which has a significant relevance to the training of Specialist Registrars within the UK. Currently in England, there are 22 centres (including private sector) offering Urological Procedures using the da Vinci® Robotic System with at least four more centres in the process of acquiring within the end of this year [2]. Most of these centres are located around the M25 corridor (in and around London), having acquired the da Vinci® system within the last 5 years. Although the urology trainee was exposed to robotic prostatectomy, this was at a price of being the first assistant to the ‘consultant in the learning curve’. Except for a couple, who are in robotic fellowship posts, most of the trainees have hardly had any time on the console. This is despite available evidence that trainees do not negatively impact the institutional learning curve in robot-assisted radical prostatectomy [3]. The lack of console time has been mainly due to absence of robotic surgical simulators or da Vinci® console training programmes available within the teaching curriculum. The lack of a structured teaching programme in the UK to train surgeons to use the robotic system safely and effectively in the treatment of prostate, bladder and renal cancer has recently been highlighted [4]. In the past, consultants and trainees have travelled over-seas for console training and a few have been successful in obtaining a recognised fellowship programme, often supported by charitable organizations [5, 6]. Introduction of robotic surgical simulators such as the Robotic Surgical Simulator (RoSS) described by the authors and locally available Robotically Assisted Surgery Preceptorship Programme, into the curriculum of the higher surgical trainees within the UK will ensure that the future generation of Junior Consultants would be able to confront the technological advances in delivering a world-class service within the NHS [7].
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