An attempt has been made to extend the gamma-ray energy loss distribution measurement in tissue toward very small spherical volumes of tissue, ranging from 0.2 to 1.0 µ, using the experimental technic developed by Rossi and Rosenzweig (1). A more detailed consideration of the factors which determine the performance of the counter and the associated electronics showed that the smallest volume of tissue which can be simulated by a spherical counter of a given diameter is determined by the lowest gas pressure inside the counter at which the gas multiplication required to raise a substantial portion of measured spectrum above the noise is still in the proportional region. A relation could be derived which enables one to predict the lowest attainable tissue size, using a particular experimental arrangement. To determine the energy spectrum for very small tissue volumes it is desirable to use (a) a low density tissue equivalent gas which has a broad proportional region, enabling one to raise the gas multiplication up to 5·104 or more, (b) a well-designed counter, having an optimal ratio of anode-to-grid diameters in order to exploit fully the proportional region of a particular gas, (c) a low noise preamplifier and a pulse-shaping circuit consisting of a two-step differentiation and one-step integration network, and (d) a reliable energy calibration method taking into account that for very small counter diameters and low pressures only the very low energy electrons will expend their entire energy in the counter volume. A substantial lowering of the counter pressure and thus the tissue sphere which it represents has been achieved by redesigning the experimental apparatus according to a, b, and c. A tissue-equivalent gas mixture consisting of 55 per cent propane, 39.6 per cent CO2, and 5.4 per cent N2 has been successfully used down to 3.4 Torr, which corresponds to an 0.2 µ diameter tissue sphere. The high gas multiplication of the order of 104 is readily obtained near the end of the proportional region. This improvement is attributed to the stronger quenching action of propane; TE gas containing methane reaches the breakdown point at a multiplication ∼103 at these low pressures. The counter geometry has been changed in order to obtain a more uniform field near the anode. The 2.5 mil anode wire has been replaced by a 1 mil wire and the helix diameter doubled, from 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch. The preamplifier noise has been reduced from 750 to ∼250 e− RMS by using a FET preamplifier, reducing the stray capacitance of the collector and choosing the optimal RC values of the pulse-shaping networks. Typical values are 0.8–3.2 µ sec. for both differentiation and integration; second differentiation is applied only at very high counting rates to avoid pulse pile-up. The use of a low-energy calibrating source proved to be instrumental in making possible an accurate measurement of energy loss distributions and single electron spectra.
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