Event Abstract Back to Event Spike timing-dependent plasticity interacts with neural dynamics to enhance information transmission Guillaume Hennequin1*, Jean-Pascal Pfister2 and Wulfram Gerstner3 1 SV and Brain-Mind Institute, EPFL, Switzerland 2 University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering , United Kingdom 3 LCN , EPFL, Switzerland Spike Timing-Dependent Plasticity (STDP) - the fact that synapses vary their strengths in a way that depends on the pre- and postsynaptic spike times at a millisecond timescale - has been computationally studied in various ways during the last two decades. A particularly fruitful approach has been the use of minimal phenomenological models [1, 2]. These can be fitted to experimental data [3, 4], resulting in data-grounded and compact models from which the functional role of STDP can be infered only indirectly. A complementary approach has been to tackle the reverse problem : a hypothesis is made about the functional role of plasticity, and an optimal learning rule to achieve this goal is derived [5, 6, 7, 8]. For example, maximizing the mutual information between input and output spike trains yields a learning rule with STDP-like features [9]. Here we extend the framework of information maximization to include spike-frequency adaptation (SFA) of the postsynaptic neuron. In the resulting learning rule, potentiation that occurs after a pre-before-post pairing event decreases with the distance to the previous postsynaptic spike. This is in agreement with minimal models where triplets of spikes (pre-post-post or post-pre-post) are essential building blocks [3]. Intuitively, we can understand the triplet effect in the limit of highly reliable neurons. Optimal information transfer (at a fixed average firing rate) would be achieved by Poisson distributed output spikes. Therefore, plasticity has to work against refractoriness and SFA, so that events with short intervals post-post need to be enhanced. We compare our optimal learning rule with the minimal triplet rule [3] and a standard pair-based STDP rule [1, 2] on a task where a single postsynaptic neuron receives input with a given spatio-temporal statistics. We show that, with the infomax and the triplet rule, the neuron specialises on spatial and temporal aspects of the stimulus whereas the standard pair-based rule picks up only spatial aspects.
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