This publication substantiates European approaches to financial support for the sustainable development of rural communities and territories. The current state of financial support for the sustainable development of rural communities in the EU is identified using such methods as financial analysis, system analysis, content analysis, case studies, abstract and logical analysis, international policy analysis, etc. It is argued that budgetary policy is the main instrument of influence on the social and economic spheres of life of the EU member states, which determines their own resources (revenues) and influences the eligibility conditions and criteria for the allocation of funds for each expenditure programme. It is proved that by determining the directions of budgetary financing, the joint budget reflects the EU's political priorities. It is established that rural areas cover the majority of the EU territory, and a significant part of the EU population lives in rural areas. It is emphasised that the key challenges of rural settlements are demographic changes, insufficient access to transport and digital infrastructure, high unemployment, dependence of the economy on agricultural production, low income of rural residents, limited access to social services, etc. It is emphasised that structural funds and member states' national budgets actively finance rural communities' development. Funding depends on the type of territory, the direction of funding, and national development strategies. It is substantiated that the application of an integrated approach to solving the problems of rural communities in the EU, which involves cooperation at all levels - from the European to the local level, efficient use of financial resources, introduction of innovations, development of infrastructure and support for local initiatives, contributes to the creation of favourable conditions for sustainable development of rural communities and improvement of the quality of life of their residents.
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