On Friday 25/11/2016 The Health Commission of the CNFG ( http://www.cnfg.fr/ ) organized a meeting devoted to the work of young researchers. It was held at the University of Rouen (Mont Saint Aignan). Renaud Misslin and Elise Autrive (Lab: IDEES, Rouen) provided the scientific secretariat. The objective was to organize a forum for discussing innovations and the variety of sub-disciplinary approaches; a good way to highlight the plurality of “health geographies” (A. Gatrell, 2002). The first part of the meeting consisted in a conference given by Éric Daudé (CNRS Researcher, UMR IDEES, Rouen). This introduction to the potential of Agent Based Modelling (ABM) in health geography was followed by the presentation of the PhD students, from various universities, listed below with a summary of their presentation Eric Daudé (UMR IDEES, Rouen): Complex Pathogenic Systems, Model and Simulation (introducing conference) The diversity of relations among factors that may trigger epidemics reveals the existence of complex pathogenic systems. As the search for mono-causality or linear causality became unproductive, deciphering this complexity is a major issue. To explore these old issues with a new point of view, we introduced the main concepts issued from complexity and agent-based models. We then illustrated this reflection about complex pathogenic system with dengue fever modelling. Thorigny Maxime (Univ. Reims, REGARS EA 6292) : The development of Telemedicine in France. A territorialisation of public policy? This communication analyses the way in which territory is taken into account during the deployment of telemedicine. It asks: What are the tensions to be observed between the implementation decided at the political level and the way the actors on the field deal with this issue? Georgelin Béatrice (Univ. Angers, ESO 6590) : Maternal and child health, territorial strategies and dynamics in Paris In the domain of Perinatal health, diverse stakeholders try to reduce socio-territorial inequalities of quality and access to care. This communication shows the plurality and complementarity of the territorial strategies implemented to meet the needs of the most vulnerable. In addition, in a context of increasing budgetary pressures, it reveals the weaknesses of this system of actors. Lucaccioni Heloïse (Univ. Paris Ouest Nanterre, LADYSS 7533) : Territorial vulnerability to the risk of emerging zoonotic diseases In this paper, I broadly present my doctoral research (background, theoretical and methodological framework, main arguments). In particular, I expose the originality of a geographical approach for the understanding of territorial vulnerability to the risk of zoonotic emergence, as well as the positioning of my research in the variety of approaches and innovations in health geography. Misslin Renaud (Univ. Rouen, UMR IDEES 6266) : Creation of environments for the behavioural simulation of epidemic vectors As part of the DENFREE project (FP7), an agent-based model for simulating the behaviour of individual mosquitoes in space has been implemented. This tool allows to study the population dynamics of mosquitoes operating under specific environmental conditions. This thesis aims to develop a model for reconstructing “in silico” urban environments, both for whole agglomerations and neighbourhoods within these agglomerations.
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