The use of reversible logic gates leads to a reduction in energy loss in logic circuits by preventing information loss. New computing methods, such as quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA), have been offered by nanotechnology emerging with nanoelectronics to make more comprehensive logic circuits. In nanotechnology-based systems, some bits are erased when the system performs any computation, and this causes heat dissipation and energy loss in systems. Adder circuits are the basis of any arithmetic operation and one of the main parts of many circuits for creating complex hardware; therefore, the use of enhanced adder circuits leads to high performance in logic circuits. In irreversible logic, the energy that is transferred from the power supply to the circuit is converted into heat, and energy loss occurs. Power management plays a vital role in modern computational systems, and using ternary logic instead of previous technologies leads to better performance. The main purpose of our study is to design ternary quantum-dot cellular automata (TQCA) reversible logic gates based on ternary quantum-dot cellular technology. Reversible gates are the basis of creating a reversible circuit. In this paper, the Muthukrishnan-Stroud (M-S) gate, which is the basis of all other reversible ternary gates, is implemented in ternary QCA technology, and then, reversible ternary Feynman and Toffoli (C2NOT) gates are designed. More optimal adder circuits can be realized in three-valued technology using Feynman and Toffoli gates. The area, delay, and cell count of the proposed TQCA designs are compared with those of other related works, and the effect of fault on the designs in the presence of cell omission defect is determined. The occupied areas of the proposed Feynman and Toffoli gate designs are 0.069 μm2 and 0.073 μm2, respectively. Moreover, the fault tolerance levels of these TQCA gates are 77% and 92%, respectively.
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