Modern linguistic research is increasingly directed towards the stream of cogni-tive expressiveness. Emotionality is an important part of language, it is inherent in all four linguistic levels: phonetic, morphological, syntactic and lexical. It is also worth taking into account that each level has its own system of means of expression.As for the phonetic level, scientists put forward a hypothesis that there are con-nections between the inclusion of a particular phoneme in a lexeme and the meaning of this lexeme. They claim that a phoneme is able to awaken a certain meaning in the subconscious of readers, is able to replace objects or actions, becoming a certain sym-bol. And due to the fact that the phenomena in the real world are characterized by the one who perceives this information, the evaluation of the subject is also transferred to the phonemes that accompany the given phenomena.The syntactic level can be expressed through the use of interrogative, exclama-tory, elliptical, inverted sentences, interjectional elements. This is used by the author to express emotionality in his works. It should also be noted that the higher the level of emotional tension, the higher the level of disorganization in the syntactic structure. With the help of repetitions, interruptions, unfi nished syntactic constructions, the de-gree of concentration of emotions increases.The syntactic level can be expressed through the use of interrogative, exclama-tory, elliptical, inverted sentences, interjectional elements. This is used by the author to express emotionality in his works. It should also be noted that the higher the level of emotional tension, the higher the level of disorganization in the syntactic structure. With the help of repetitions, interruptions, unfi nished syntactic constructions, the de-gree of concentration of emotions increases.We conclude that the vocabulary of the analyzed novels is emotional, expres-sive, full of lexemes with the suffi xes of diminutiveness, caressing, and rudeness. The interrelationship of emotions, ideas and themes forms a complex and emotionally saturated structure of the work, which deeply aff ects the readers. Saturation is an important feature of the writer’s authorial style
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