A modern city is a complex, dynamically changing natural and anthropogenic system that must provide its residents with a comfortable and safe living environment. Along with the traditional elements of the city's infrastructure: the transport system, sewerage, water supply, heat and electricity supply, and elements of the social infrastructure (schools, hospitals, etc.), the role of the city's ecological infrastructure is growing. The latter includes both artificial and natural objects that provide environmental services and reduce the negative anthropogenic impact of the urban environment on nature and living organisms. Such components are the city's green space and communal systems that neutralize the most pronounced manifestations of anthropogenic influence, such as ensuring waste disposal. The state of the urban ecosystem depends on a complex combination of structure, activity, risks, and intentions of its inhabitants, the state of the economic and financial and economic system, the stability of the natural base expressed in the landscape, and the city's visibility, the intensity of industrial activity and the level of environmental education. The prerequisite for developing the city as a dynamic system is ensuring its sustainability. According to the modern vision, a sustainable city is based on three pillars: economic, ecological, and social, which must develop harmoniously. Therefore, the ecological infrastructure of the city should be based on the appropriate level of technology and economic development. Lviv is a large city in Ukraine and the largest city in the territory of the western regions, a logistical and cultural center. At the same time, the ecological infrastructure of the city is mainly at the formation stage. A meaningful sign of its puberty is the lack of an effective waste management system and an imperfect air quality monitoring system. Municipal sewage treatment facilities and the city's transport system need improvement. The city's green infrastructure as a subsystem of the ecological infrastructure causes relatively few comments. However, it should be noted that its main structure has been updated for decades, and new microdistricts with active construction may need more green space. In order to improve the environment of Lviv, it is necessary to improve the elements of its ecological infrastructure with the involvement of best practices of well-known cities of the world.
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