B a c k g r o u n d . The article is devoted to the methodology in the study of science and religion, which takes place only in the constructive dialogue of these two existential manifestations. Despite this, three versions of the interaction of science and religionare considered, which took place during the temporal course of history. And only from the middle of the 20th century, when religion and science alternately lost dominance in society, a relatively equal dialogue between these manifestations of human activity began, forced by the necessity of losing their authority among European civilization. M e t h o d s . The research uses empirical and theoretical methods of observation and description, analysis and generalization. R e s u l t s . Against the background of highlighting the views of modern thinkers about the coexistence of these seemingly incompatible and opposite areas of human existence, the application of an interdisciplinary approach to the study of urgent issues of both science and religion is analyzed. Since both science and religion are intellectual manifestations of human activity, which creates a multi-layered reality, where each of these realms has its own object of study / honoration, then in methodology they must rely on newgeneral anthropological discoveries and achievements. In this context, attention is paid to synergy, interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity. Each of these interdisciplinary approaches to research methodology is considered separately and their transformation with the rapid intellectual progress of the middle of the 20th – 21st centuries are followed. Attention is also paid to the risks of their application in relation to the study of religion, since science imposes its stereotyped ideason the study of the world and on religious practices, which, by their very nature, are far from the goal and tasks of scientific research. This is because theology can safely be considered a religious science – a kind of science within religion at a time whenother forms were banned and censored. The inquisitive human mind was looking for any solution to its needs, which were later separated into pure science, and left for religion the role of mystical practices of communication with the Deity and introspection. But in the general understanding of religion, interdisciplinary approaches are very important new achievements that should not be neglected and their results equated with eclecticism. C o n c l u s i o n s . In support of the given arguments and the results of the research of this article, the opinions of competent foreign and domestic researchers in the field of dialogue between science and religion are given, who in some places categorically expressed the expediency of coexistence and cooperation of these areas, but who did not deny their joint and individual expediency in the development of human being.
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