Endodermal cells were isolated from yolk sacs of 3-day chick embryos and cultured for 6 days in Eagle's minimal essential media plus 10% fetal calf serum. During this period cells rapidly lost their ability to synthesize DNA as judged by [ 3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA. In spite of this loss of DNA synthesis serum protein synthesis and secretion remained at a constant 45% of total protein synthesis and secretion. This was determined by immunoprecipitation of culture media using antibodies directed against embryonic chick serum proteins. Media were also analyzed for the synthesis and secretion of specific serum proteins using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The relative synthesis and secretion of the individual serum proteins followed that previously observed in ovo with the exception of α-globulin-a which became undetectable. When culture media were supplemented with ovalbumin or insulin the relative synthesis and secretion of certin specific serum proteins were altered. However, analysis of these same media samples showed that the total amounts of serum protein synthesis and secretion were unaffected.
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