It is well known that many diseases of our system can cause various pathological changes and symptoms. Psychical disorders are considered to be the main cause of changes in the oral cavity. The most frequent psychical disturbances associated with the symptoms are: depression, anxiety and stress. Methods: The research was conducted by means of psychological questionnaires resting depression and anxiety and we tried to objectivize the burning symptom by means of a VAS scale (visual analogous scale). Results: The results we obtained suggest that by treating psychical disturbances we might obtain significant improvement in treating symptoms in the oral cavity. The results have shown that there is a significant rise in negative findings in both psychological tests and within the mouth. Anxiety tests show primarily negative values: in the first group: 90% of the respondents, in the second group 73.3%, in the third group 83.3% and in the fourth group 56.7% of the respondents. The depression test has shown that the first group of respondents displayed mainly borderline values – 53.3%, without positive values, while negative values have risen to 46.7%. The second group has increased its negative values to 96.7% of the respondents, without any positive values and with a few borderline findings: 3.3%. The third group displayed mainly negative values (76.1%) and borderline values (23.3%), with no positive findings. Conclusion: Antidepressants and anxiolytics have a prominent role in the therapy of stomatopyrosis. Autogenic training – a psychotherapeutic anxiolytic technique is the therapy of choice as far as stomatopyrosis is concerned, as it both eliminates the problems and emotionally rehabilitates the patient.
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