Abstract : A pilot-scale test-bed was operated employing three soils with different grain sizes dredged from the Nakdong River to obtain the design and operation parameters of the multi-purpose filtration pond, such as the filtrate productivity of the filter sand, the appropriate removal period of the surface clogging and the contaminant removal efficiency. The cross-flow velocities were applied stepwise ranging from 0 to 40 cm/sec in order to simulate the various velocities in the artificial stream of the pond. Results showed that a filtrate production rate of 5~3 m 3 /m 2 -day was maintained by removing the surface clogging every 7 to 13 days and that the filtrate quality was not affected by the factors of the filtrate production rate, the grain size of the filter sand and the cross-flow velocity. Results also showed that most of the removal occurred within 50 cm of the top soil and that the removal efficiencies with the filtration distance of 2.4 m were 80~95% for turbidity, 20~30% for COD, 75~90% for BOD, 5~20% for total nitrogen and 20~60% for total phosphorus, which suggested that particulate matters had a high removal efficiency.
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