Low-to-intermediate temperature processing and use of mixed conducting oxides targets the following potential benefits: ultra-fine nanostructuring with avoidance of coarsening, control of surface chemistry, lower energy consumption, integration with thermally sensitive components, and slower degradation vs. conventional high temperature synthesis and use. In this lower temperature regime, we have pursued two routes for non-equilibrium control of defect chemistry and therefore properties of mixed ionic/electronic conductors (MIECs) in the ferrite perovskite family: crystallization and illumination.Room-temperature growth followed by mild anneals to induce crystallization has proven to yield superior oxygen surface exchange kinetics, attributed to development of facile charge transfer and pristine surface chemistry in our prior work. The close link between crystallinity and oxygen stoichiometry appears to play an important role in the structural evolution and electrical response. However the effect of evolving crystallinity on the ionic conductivity has not been studied in-depth. Therefore we recently pursued an approach combining in-situ synchrotron grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction with ac and dc electrical methods on thin-film blocking electrode cells to evaluate evolution of transference numbers during crystallization. In certain ferrite films we observe a ~2 orders-of-magnitude increase in ionic conductivity during crystallization, while the electronic conductivity increases much more. Through the process, we demonstrate that it is possible to turn a predominantly ionic conductor into a predominantly electronic conductor - and to access almost any ionic transference number in between - simply by controlling the degree of crystallinity. [1]Oxygen stoichiometry can alternatively be controlled at low-to-intermediate temperatures through application of low fluence above-gap illumination. We have shown in certain non-dilute ferrite films that UV light causes oxygen to enter the films from the gas phase with kinetics limited by the oxygen surface-exchange reaction, which is largely unchanged by the presence of excited carriers. We explain the response through simulations of excited state defect equilibria and transient absorption spectroscopy measurements. [2]Together these processing strategies indicate that low-temperature control of oxygen stoichiometry is feasible in mixed conductors, enabling wide tailoring of properties and potential for use in low-to-intermediate temperature solid-state ionic devices.[1] H.B. Buckner, J. Simpson-Gomez, A. Bonkowski, K. Rubartsch, H. Zhou, R.A. De Souza, N.H. Perry (in review)[2] E. Skiba, H.B. Buckner, G. McKnight, C. Lee, R. Wallick, R. van der Veen, E. Ertekin, N.H. Perry (in review)We gratefully acknowledge funding from the US Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences, under DOE Early Career grant DE-SC-0018963 and from the US National Science Foundation, through the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Materials Research Science and Engineering Center DMR-2309037.
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