The paper assesses the potential of transforming conventional power plants to Thermal Storage Power Plants (TSPP) in Germany on a macro scale. The resulting atlas is based on a scenario of the power sector published before that assumes that current conventional power plants will be transformed to TSPP with a capacity of 70 GW in 2040, providing reliable power supply for the residual load. In order to achieve this, several criteria are introduced that rank all power plants in Germany in terms of suitability for such conversion. Moreover, a method of finding the necessary land areas for PV and biomass required as primary energy sources for the TSPP is described with the help of a geographic information system. The analysis is divided into 2 parts: The first part is to consider the whole country as a single entity, and all power plants are analyzed according to their ranking list in order to find out if the scenario is consistent with existing PV and biomass potentials. The second part focuses on individual power plants without considering the ranking list, in order to find the best potential PV and biomass supply areas for each potential power plant that could be transformed on a first-come-first-save basis. The findings of this study include mapping of the transformation potential of individual power plants, and also provides an integrated framework for a TSPP transition at the national level. By providing a comprehensive overview of the TSPP-atlas across the country, these maps may serve as a helpful tool for policymakers and power plant owners in making decisions regarding the deployment of TSPP.
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