The large amplitude Ion-acoustic solitons in collisionless plasma consisting of warm adiabatic ions, isothermal positrons and two-temperature distribution of electrons are investigated. Using pseudo-potential approach, an energy integral equation for the system has been derived which encompasses complete nonlinearity for the plasma system. The existence region of the solitons is analyzed numerically. It is found that for selected set of plasma parameters, both rarefactive and compressive solitons exist in the electron-positron-ion (EPI) plasma. It is also found that due to finite positron concentration both subsonic and supersonic rarefactive soliton exist in EPI plasma. An increase in finite ion temperature ratio decreases the amplitude of the rarefactive solitons. In the case of small amplitude, it is found that there exist supersonic compressive as well as rarefactive solitons simultaneously. The amplitude of the solitons decreases with increase in ion temperature ratio (σ), however an increase in positron concentration (α) and temperature ratio of positron to electrons (γ) increases the amplitude of the solitons. Effect of various plasma parameters on the characteristics of the solitons are discussed in detail. The results of the investigation may be helpful to understand the nonlinear structures in auroral plasma, pulsars and magnetospheric astrophysical environment as well as laboratory plasmas.
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