The study investigates the suitability of time series Sentinel-2 NDVI-derived maps for the subfield detection of a sunflower crop cultivated in an organic farming system. The aim was to understand the spatio-temporal behaviour of subfield areas identified by the K-means algorithm from NDVI maps obtained from satellite images and the ground yield data variability to increase the efficiency of delimiting management zones in an organic farming system.Experiments were conducted on a surface of 29 ha. NDVI time series derived from Sentinel-2 images and k-means algorithm for rapidly delineating the sunflower subfield areas were used. The crop achene yields in the whole field ranged from 1.3 to 3.77 t ha−1 with a significant within-field spatial variability. The cluster analysis of hand-sampled data showed three subfields with achene yield mean values of 3.54 t ha−1 (cluster 1), 2.98 t ha−1 (cluster 2), and 2.07 t ha−1 (Cluster 3). In the cluster analysis of NDVI data, the k-means algorithm has early delineated the subfield crop spatial and temporal yield variability. The best period for identifying subfield areas starts from the inflorescences development stage to the development of the fruit stage. Analyzing the NDVI subfield areas and yield data, it was found that cluster 1 covers an area of 42.4% of the total surface and 50% of the total achene yield; cluster 2 covers 35% of both surface and yield. Instead, the surface of cluster 3 covers 22.2% of the total surface with 15% of achene yield. K-means algorithm derived from Sentinel-2 NDVI images delineates the sunflower subfield areas.Sentinel-2 images and k-means algorithms can improve an efficient assessment of subfield areas in sunflower crops. Identifying subfield areas can lead to site-specific long-term agronomic actions for improving the sustainable intensification of agriculture in the organic farming system.
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