Graphite is used as a structural material, neutron moderator and reflector in some designs of nuclear reactors. The core of a prismatic or pebble bed type High Temperature Reactor (HTR) is also comprised of graphite components. In addition to HTRs, it is also used as a structural material in the Molten Salt Breeder Reactor (MSBR). It’s response to postulated accidental condition is a critical aspect of probabilistic safety assessment studies for such futuristic reactor designs. Generation of graphite aerosol particles has been shown as a possible hazard in the case of an air ingress accident for HTRs. These aerosol particles act as a carrier for radioactive source term and their characteristics decide the impact of accident. This study aims to measure and interpret number and mass characteristics of graphite particles generated by exposing graphite to varying high temperature conditions. An exclusive sophisticated facility is developed, tuned and employed for measuring the aerosol characteristics at extreme temperature and concentration conditions. Apart from measuring number and mass size distributions of generated particles at different temperatures and flows, emission of CO and CO2 was also monitored. Particle concentration and CO gas concentration was found to be maximum at 700 °C, the transition temperature for the generation process. Evaporation-condensation and transport of unburnt carbon particles could be linked to the observed particles in nucleation and accumulation mode size ranges, respectively. Mechanism of particle generation and graphite particle transformation at different temperatures is also discussed.
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