With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, enterprises in the AI sector are becoming an important engine of global economic growth. In this era full of challenges and opportunities, enterprises' innovation performance is critical because it directly determines their long-term competitiveness in the market. The CEO's professional background has a profound impact on the enterprise's strategy formulation, organizational management, and innovation ability as a key decision-maker and strategic leader. Especially in the technology-intensive AI field, the professional richness of the CEO may have a significant impact on the innovation performance of enterprises, which makes it important to theoretically and practically study the impact of the CEO's career background on the innovation performance of enterprises in the AI sector. The widespread application of AI technology has changed the business model and operation mode of many industries, driving enterprises to gain a competitive advantage in the market. Through continuous innovation, AI-sector enterprises improve the function and performance of products to meet the personalized needs of users, thereby increasing market competitiveness and profitability. However, the AI technology innovation process also faces challenges such as high costs, legal and regulatory restrictions, and ethics. In this context, the role of the CEO is particularly critical. How the diversity of his professional background affects the innovation ability of enterprises and their flexibility to respond to market changes still needs further in-depth research and theoretical discussion.
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