The article reflects the main results of the study of veterinary and sanitary welfare of breeding products based on the use of molecular genetic, bacteriological methods. It has been established that genetic material is the subject of active international trade. The leader in the number of sperm doses imported into the territory of the Russian Federation in 2019 - 2020 is the United States.The article provides an overview of modern measures aimed at minimizing the spread of bacteria, as well as fragmentarily presents the results of research work and the imperfection of the regulatory framework for the control of breeding products. At the same time, the direction in terms of regulatory and legal regulation is emphasized and justified, which corresponds to the priority goals of state policy both within the framework of the Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation, and in the field of ensuring biological safety to minimize biological risks associated with the introduction of rare or previously not found on the territory Of the Russian Federation of infectious diseases, spontaneous infection with infectious agents, entailing the emergence of obstetric-gynecological, andrological diseases and their spread during artificial insemination.The article is devoted to the actual problem today, the purpose of which is to amend the provisions of regulatory legal acts to ensure the biological safety of breeding products.