
This study aimed to determine the proper sperm dose per laparoscopic intrauterine insemination (LAI) in Zaraiby goats. Thirty-six Zaraiby goats, two Zaraiby and two Boer bucks were used in the study. Does were divided into six groups; the first three groups were inseminated laparoscopically with frozen-thawed Zaraiby semen either at doses of 10 x 106 (GP1), 20 x 106 (GP 2), or 40 x 106 (GP 3). The other three groups were inseminated with Boer semen's same doses (GP 4, 5 &6). Results showed that goats laparoscopically inseminated with 20 x 106 Zaraiby spermatozoa or 10 x 106 Boer sperm cells both had the highest (P ≤0.05) pregnancy rate (about 70% & 60%, respectively). The multiple birth rate in goats inseminated by Boer buck’s spermatozoa were generally higher than those inseminated with Zaraiby buck’s spermatozoa (66.67 to 100.00% vs. 25.00 to 40.00%, respectively). In conclusion, the LAI is an efficient means of achieving high fertilization rates in goats. The recommended minimum necessary dose for laparoscopic artificial insemination in Zaraiby is 10 ×106 and 20×106 motile Boer and Zaraiby buck’s spermatozoa, respectively.

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