Review of Evolution through Gene Exchange. Michael L. Arnold, 2006. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 252 pp., PB $75.00, ISBN 978-0-19-922903-1. This book reviews the theory, methods, and evidence for gene exchange between species and examines the importance of its role in the evolution of adaptive novelty and speciation. In this insightful summary of hybridization research, Arnold, a botanist, first reviews the history of concepts in this area, going back to the classical works by Stebbins, Anderson, and others on introgressive hybridization as a source of adaptive variation for the sieve of natural selection. Because the concepts of exchange and species tend to be interdependent, with the latter determining the one's view of the former, Arnold reviews species concepts with an emphasis on their tolerance for hybrid exchange in the second chapter. In the third chapter, he reviews the methods available for testing evolutionary hypotheses of gene exchange between taxa, before addressing in the following chap ter the multiplicity of processes interrupting gene flow that are common place in many groups. The chapter on hybrid fitness components, wherein natural selection amplifies or restricts suc cessful interspecific reproduction, is very extensive, covering six or seven empirical examples each, from microorganisms, plants, and animals. Arnold makes a convincing case that web-like as op posed to tree-like phylogenies are not restricted to the domain of plants or solely a concern for botanists. Here, the data clearly in dicate that hybrid fitness is as much determined by environmental contingency as it is by intrinsic genetics. A brief chapter on gene duplication and the genetic shock that may attend the hybridiza tion of divergent genomes precedes a more interesting chapter on hybridization and the origin of new evolutionary lineages. The book ends with chapters on the significance of hybridization for endangered and domesticated species. The book offers theory and evidence for a view of evolu tio that diverges considerably from the Bateson-Dobzhansky Muller (BDM) process of speciation, the highly success ful paradigm developed originally from zoological studies, which emphasizes the development in allopatry of intrinsic barriers to gene exchange between daughter populations descended from a common ancestor species (e.g., Coyne and Orr 2004). In daughter populations of the BDM process, new genes are introduced onto the ancestral background by mutation and those adaptive in the local environment become fixed. These derived fixed differences b tween allopatric daughter populations eventually become bar ri rs to gene exchange through their deleterious epistatic effects w en introduced into other backgrounds by hybridiza ion. Because the number of possible epistatic effects increases exponentially with the numbers of gene differences, a nonlin ear, accelerating relationship between differentiation and reproductive isolation is expected. In this view, the process is driven by intrinsic gene differences, with the waiting time for adaptive mutations being much longer than the fixa tion time once they have occurred. The role of the environment tends to receive diminished emphasis when the pro c ss is viewed from this zoological perspective or when hunting for speciation genes. Despite our own interest in genotype by-environment interaction and incipient in the flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Demuth and Wade 2007a,b), we
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