Here and in what follows, we write "a b" instead of "a ≤ Cb for some uniform constant C" for brevity; we also write ab when a b and b a .T he symbol∂j, j =1 , 2, denotes the differentiation with respect to jth variable. To be more precise, we study estimates of the scalar product of two functions in some Hilbert space (in this paper, some Sobolev space of fractional order) in terms of the product of L1- norms of some differential polynomials applied to these functions. For the author, the interest in inequalities of such type originated from the work on nonisomorphism problems for Banach spaces of smooth functions and embedding theorems used there, see the short report (5) and preprint (6). We are going to use some formalism to make our statements shorter. Let k and l be natural numbers, let α and β be real nonnegative numbers, and let σ and τ be complex nonzero numbers. The symbol BE(k, l, α, β, σ, τ) means the statement that the inequality �
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