Given the difficulty in balancing aerodynamic and anti-flutter performance when developing large offshore wind turbine blades, and the fact that traditional game algorithms can only obtain a single game solution, this paper proposes a full information cooperative game method based on the multi-objective game idea. The proposed method can obtain a series of game solution sets that are close to the Pareto frontier. The proposed method combined with the Hicks-Henne function is used to optimize the DU25 airfoil to improve its aerodynamic and anti-flutter performance. The results show that compared with the original airfoil, the lift-drag ratio of the airfoil is increased by 17.29% and the polar moment of inertia is increased by 13.99%. In addition, airfoils with a relative thickness of 23%–28% are redesigned using the proposed method combined with the class function/shape function transformation parameterization method, which offers an effective and novel idea for designing new airfoils and provides more safe, efficient, diverse airfoils for the designers of offshore wind turbine blades. The results also show that this method can be applied to many other problems in engineering design.
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