
Training of highly qualified specialists in modern conditions requires gamification of the educational process itself in higher education. The article is aimed at substantiating the need to expand the field of game practice in the system of higher education by including gamification of the educational process of universities and outlining the conceptual foundations of the author’s innovative method of organizing the educational and educational process in the system of higher education VIRTUOZ (‘Variable Game Solution of Difficult Educational Tasks’). The article provides a detailed review of the subject field of scientific publications of domestic and foreign researchers on games and game practices in higher education, which showed that they comprehensively consider gamification in higher education, with attention to various types of games. However, the problem of gamification of the educational and upbringing process itself, the tasks solved by it before the author, no one in the Russian Federation and abroad has investigated and implemented in practice. The author substantiates that it is advisable to gamify the organization of educational activities of the university in order to make this process meet the requirements of the transformation of national education, deeper and more justified. The VIRTUOZ method is designed to help in the effective formation of competencies in solving the corresponding specific task: writing a WRC, undergoing practical training and others. The uniqueness of the project lies, first of all, in the fact that it involves the comprehensive interaction of all participants in the educational process; is implemented on the basis of the results of a sociological survey on a particular problem to identify the most difficult tasks; simulates the game situation, based on the specifics of the university, the subject and other factors; ensures effectiveness for all participants in the educational process. The VIRTUOZ project makes extensive use of end-to-end technologies and digital tools. The VIRTUOZ method opens the way for the development and implementation of other innovative game methods for organizing the educational process in higher education.

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