Micromagnetics has been the method of choice to interpret experimental data in the area of microscopic magnetism for several decades. In this article, we show how progress has been made to extend this formalism to include thermal and quantum fluctuations in order to describe recent experimental developments in nanoscale magnetism. For experimental systems with constrained dimensions such as nanodots, atomic chains, nanowires, and thin films, topological defects such as solitons, vortices, skyrmions, and monopoles start to play an increasingly important role, all forming novel types of quasiparticles in patterned low-dimensional magnetic systems. We discuss in detail how soliton–antisoliton pairs of opposite chirality form non-uniform energy barriers against thermal fluctuations in nanowires or pillars. As a consequence of their low barrier energy compared to uniform reversal, they limit the thermal stability of perpendicular recording media. For sufficiently short samples, the non-uniform energy barrier continuously merges into the conventional uniform Néel–Brown barrier. Partial formation of chiral domain walls also determines the magnetic properties of granular nanostructured magnets and exchange spring systems. For a long time, the reconciliation between micromagnetics and quantum mechanics has remained an unresolved challenge. Here it is demonstrated how inclusion of Berry's phase in a micromagnetic action allows for a semiclassical quantization of spin systems, a method that is demonstrated by the simple example of an easy-plane spin. This powerful method allows for a description of quantum dynamics of solitons and breathers which in the latter case agrees with the anisotropic spin-½ XYZ-model. The domain wall or soliton chirality plays an important role as it is coupled to the wavevector of the quasiparticle dispersion. We show how this quantum soliton chirality is detected by polarized neutron scattering in one-dimensional quantum antiferromagnets.
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