There is rising energy demand; yet, nonconventional fuels are yet to meet these demands. It has been established that fossil fuels contribute to global warming and climate change. How, then, do we use of fossils to power our lives and industries without endangering our environment and humanity? Here, comes integrated multigenerational power plant. A Multigeneration power plant system is an advanced and integrated approach that goes beyond cogeneration (Combined Heat and Power - CHP) by simultaneously producing multiple forms of energy from a single or double fuel source. In addition to generating electricity and useful heat, a multigeneration power plant can also produce cooling, desalination, or other valuable products or services. This innovative system maximizes the energy efficiency of the overall plant, utilizing the waste heat and by-products to provide additional functionalities. The present work is a proposed multigenerational power plant that comprises of a gas turbine, HRSG, steam turbine, a biomass gasification plant, solar PVT system, a PEM Electrcolyzer, VARS and a Kalina Cycle. The fuel input-output model is 2 X 5: natural gas and syngas from biomass gasification process, while outputting multiple sources of energy – electricity, heating, cooling, hydrogen production and drying. The whole integrated multigenerational power plant was modeled in Engineering Equation Solver (EES). The Net power is 51.404MW; Thermal efficiency 40.1%; exergy efficiency 62.02%; sustainability 1.39. Exergoeconomic assessment provided useful information to enhance the cost-effectiveness of the integrated multigenerational power plant system by evaluating each component separately. NO emission rates 0.04393 kg/s, CO emission 0.00934 kg/s, CO2 specific emission is 0.3364 kgCO2/MWh; all environmental indicators confirmed it is the most environmentally friendly option.
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