Representative profiles of the Owena, Egbeda, Alagba, and Balogun series were studied. The Owena soil is formed in amphibolite whereas Egbeda and Balogun soils are formed in biotite gneiss derived parent materials. The Alagba soil is formed in sandstone parent rock. The main objectives were to characterize the soils and their clay fraction, and to classify and interpret soil properties for agricultural land use. Most soils exhibit 2.5 YR hues in subsurface horizons. A pedon formed in biotite gneiss has the highest dithionite Fe content and Fed/clay ratio. The relationships between clay content and Fed values vary according to parent material origin and, therefore, would have to be interpreted differently for soil weathering processes. Clay coatings were noticeable in some soil horizons of all pedons studied. Soils are generally medium to slightly acid with sandstone-derived soils being the most acid. The clay mineral suite in all soils is dominated by kaolinite with traces of 2:1 and 2:2 clay minerals, goethite, hematite, anatase, maghemite, and rutile. In addition, some soils contain trace amounts of gibbsite. Kandic horizons have been identified in all soils. The low charge properties of the soils reflect the intensely weathered clay mineral suite. The base status is probably influenced by the cropping system and therefore may tend to unnecessarily differentiate highly weathered soils at the order level. The Egbeda and Balogun series were classified as Rhodic Kandiudults, clayey-skeletal, oxidic and Rhodic Kandiudalfs, clayey-skeletal, oxidic, respectively. Others, Owena, and Alagba series, were classified as Typic Kanhaplohumults, clayey, oxidic and Rhodic Kanhaplustults, fine loamy or clayey, oxidic, respectively. In the FAO-Unesco legend, all soils become Rhodic Ferralsols. In addition, the Owena (with its nitic properties) is further classified as niti-rhodic Ferralsol. The two classification systems are at variance for highly weathered (variable charge property) soils and this difference will definitely influence management decisions depending on which system is used at any particular time. Soil attributes favorable for agricultural use include thick sola and favorable structures. Chemical properties suggest minimal fixation of phosphorus. Key words: Dithionite Fe, kandic, oxidic, variable charge, ferralic, exchangeable Al