The article is devoted to the development of a combined methodology. We are talking about the process of sociolinguistic study of the languages of small peoples. Most of these idiom languages (in Russia they are concentrated mainly in Siberia) are younger and little-studied (in relation to speech and texts). They need extensive documentation on European standards. Documentation and subsequent processing of the collected material are made using modern technical means: computer technologies and programs. We also believe that other methods of research can be applied to them, including traditional sociolinguistic ones. The article justifies the development of a combined methodology for these languages. The essence of this approach is as follows: using methods and techniques from the arsenal of sociolinguistics, it is necessary to fix specific structural characteristics. The combined presentation of the information of sociolinguistic and structural-semantic plans gives a combined description of the desired linguistic formations as idiom languages. Most idioms of Siberia (in particular, the Soyot language, the Koibal dialect of the Khakass language) have scientific descriptions, but they are not enough. In addition, these languages are not described as idioms in them. Understanding the available materials from this angle will help clarify the ways of developing the languages of small peoples in modern times.
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