Literature on the equilibrium constant for distribution between dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (Kdoc) data of strongly hydrophobic organic contaminants were collected and critically analyzed. About 900 Kdoc entries for experimental values were retrieved and tabulated, including those factors that can influence them. In addition, quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) prediction equations were retrieved and tabulated. Whether a partition or association process between the contaminant and DOC takes place could not be fully established, but indications toward an association process are strong in several cases. Equilibrium between a contaminant and DOC in solution was shown to be achieved within a minute. When the equilibrium shifts in time, this was caused by either a physical or chemical change of the DOC, affecting the lighter fractions most. Adsorption isotherms turned out to be linear in the contaminant concentration for the relevant DOC concentration up to 100 mg of C/L. Eighteen experimental methods have been developed for the determination of the pertinent distribution constant. Experimental Kdoc values revealed the expected high correlation with partition coefficients over n-octanol and water (Kow) for all experimental methods, except for the HPLC and apparent solubility (AS) method. Only fluorescence quenching (FQ) and solid-phase microextraction (SPME) methods could quantify fast equilibration. Only 21% of the experimental values had a 95% confidence interval, which was statistically significantly different from zero. Variation in Kdoc values was shown to be high, caused mainly by the large variation of DOC in water samples. Even DOC from one sample gave different equilibrium constants for different DOC fractions. Measured Kdoc values should, therefore, be regarded as average values. Kdoc was shown to increase on increasing molecular mass, indicating that the molecular mass distribution is a proper normalization function for the average Kdoc at the current state of knowledge. The weakly bound fraction could easily be desorbed when other adsorbing media, such as a SepPak column or living organism, are present. The amount that moves from the DOC to the other medium will depend, among other reasons, on the size of the labile DOC fraction and the equilibrium constant of the other medium. Variation of Kdoc with temperature turned out to be small, probably caused by a small enthalpy of transfer from water to DOC. Ionic strength turned out to be more important, leading to changes of a factor of 2-5. The direction of this effect depends on the type of ion. With respect to QSAR relationships between Kdoc and macroscopic or molecular descriptors, it was concluded that only a small number of equations are available in the literature, for apolar compounds only, and with poor statistics and predictive power. Therefore, a first requirement is the improvement of the availability and quality of experimental data. Along with this, theoretical (mechanistic) models for the relationship between DOC plus contaminant descriptors on the one side and Kdoc on the other should be further developed. Correlations between Kdoc and Kow and those between the soil-water partition constant (Koc) and Kow were significantly different only in the case of natural aquatic DOC, pointing at substantial differences between these two types of organic material and at a high correspondence for other types of commercial and natural DOC.
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