We use nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory in combination with a recently implemented strong-coupling impurity solver to investigate the relaxation of a Mott insulator after a laser excitation with frequency comparable to the Hubbard gap. The time evolution of the double occupancy exhibits a crossover from a strongly damped transient at short times towards an exponential thermalization at long times. In the limit of strong interactions, the thermalization time is consistent with the exponentially small decay rate for artificially created doublons, which was measured in ultracold atomic gases. When the interaction is comparable to the bandwidth, on the other hand, the double occupancy thermalizes within a few times the inverse bandwidth along a rapid thermalization path in which the exponential tail is absent. Similar behavior can be observed in time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Our results show that a simple quasi-equilibrium description of the electronic state breaks down for pump-excited Mott insulators characterized by strong interactions.