Abstract The central theme of man's quest for an understanding of the importance of metal ions in the environment is ‘bioavailability’. We may be concerned with problems such as the increased leaching of heavy metals from soils due to acid rain or the return to man of high level radioactive waste eluted by ground waters from its deeply buried container. Unfortunately, the total concentration of a species is seldom a measure of its bioavailability [1]. Rather, a knowledge of whether an element is like to form species that are in appropriate forms, either to be transported from one system to another or to take part in processes within systems is required. The study of ‘specification’ (meaning the existence of the individual physicochemical forms of an element which make up its total concentration) is therefore becoming increasingly important. An experimental speciation study can prove a difficult task. Coarse separations of molecular from colloidal species make use of techniques such as ionexchange, ultrafiltration, dialysis and gel chromatography [2]. More detailed analyses can be achieved by anodic stripping voltammetry for aqueous species [3] and gas chromatography for volatile species. Ion-selective electrodes can measure activities of metal cations and small inorganic anions directly [4]. However, problems such as the high degree of skill often required, the disturbance to equilibria, nonspecificity and insensitivity at the concentrations occurring in the environment, often severely limit the usefulness of these experimental approaches. Computer simulation of equilibrium systems is becoming increasingly capable of providing useful information concerning speciation. The general requirements of such a study are the total concentrations (or free concentrations, if available) of all components and the formation constants and solubility products of complexes and solids formed from the components. A priori predictions of extent of complexation cannot merely be based on the size of formation constants so computer programs (such as GEOCHEM [5], ECCLES [6] and WATEQ [7]) that can solve large systems of non-linear equations, have been developed. Total concentrations can be determined at very low levels using such techniques as flame emmission and atomic absorption spectrophotometry and radiometry [8]. Also, critically evaluated formation constants and solubility products are becoming available for an increasingly large number of complexes and of solids [9]. The assumption that an environmental system is at equilibrium is only valid if equilibrium between all species is reached very quickly. However, if some reactions are very slow, the equilibrium between the species involved can sometimes be ignored. The extent to which reactions with intermediate rates are a problem depends on the application. The inclusion of equilibria involving complex macromolecular species such as fulvic and humic acids has been either avoided or approximated by making use of conditional stability constants [10,11]. However, a new method, whereby concentrations of many individual metal binding sites on the macromolecules can be estimated from ‘random’ computer generated fulvic acid molecules, does provide more detailed insight into the mode of metal binding by these substances [12]. Equilibrium calculations on large systems have received widespread application. The sea has been studied for many years [13, 14]. Fresh water, lakes and river systems have been investigated [7, 10] as well as the so-called ‘soil solution’ [15]. Other important areas include human blood plasma [6] and plant xylem fluid [16] Computer models, nevertheless, must be judged on their ability to predict real behavior [17]. They should be supported, wherever possible, by experimental investigations, the direction of which can often be indicated by the results of the model itself. The current trend of investigations into the identity of important naturally occurring ligands and the determination of their formation constants with metal ions needs also to continue unabated.
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