Development of hydropower projects involves a large amount of initial investment. Unlike other construction projects, hydropower projects are riskier to undertake since, the projects are large in size, linear in nature and involve many parties and stakeholders. The projects are facing cost overrun, schedule slippage, environmental, and social problems due to the various risk factors associated with the projects, which have to be identified and analysed so that the issues can be mitigated for the sustainable hydropower development in the country. This research involved identification and analysis of risk factors, which led to cost overrun and impact on the social and ecological environment due to the development of hydropower. The risk factors were identified through a questionnaire survey to the experts and literature review. The identified risks were analysed qualitatively considering both the probability of occurrence of the risk and its impact on the project and were prioritised with the help of P-I Matrix, also known as Look-Up table. The survey results revealed that the critical risk factors for the sustainable hydropower development are land acquisition problem, public disorder, adverse geological conditions, resettlement and rehabilitation, flooding, change in laws and regulations, labour disputes and strikes, and sedimentation problem. This study shall be helpful to the developers and project managers to have a better risk response plan for sustainable hydropower project development.
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