Single crystals of α-Al2O3 with broad sides oriented perpendicular to the c crystal axis have been irradiated by 231-MeV xenon ions with fluence varying from 5×1011 to 1014 ions/cm2. The spectra of radiation-induced optical absorption (absorption of a pristine crystal is subtracted) have been decomposed into Gaussians serving as a measure of oxygen-related Frenkel defects (vacancy-interstitial pairs). The concentration of all structural defects considered – vacancy-type F and F+ centers as well as oxygen interstitials – continuously increases with ion fluence. Therefore, radiation-induced origin of elementary absorption bands at 5.6 and 6.6 eV tentatively ascribed earlier to charged and neutral oxygen interstitials has been proved for the first time. The concentrations of charged interstitials (in the form of superoxide ions) have been directly determined by the EPR method. The evolution of cathodoluminescence bands typical of self-trapped excitons (VUV band at 7.6 eV) and F-type defects (bands peaked around 3.0 and 3.8 eV) with the rise of Xe-ion-irradiation fluence has been measured and analyzed.